Nutrition For Cheerleaders - Before, During & After Practice
Nutrition For Cheerleaders - Before, During & After Practice
Cheerleaders should properly fuel their bodies. Here are some suggestions for healthy foods to eat before, during and after your cheer practices.

As a full time cheer coach I get to see my cheerleaders when they arrive for practice and are eating their pre-workout snacks. I see their food and drink choices during breaks and after they are done with their workouts.
Life is moving so quickly these days that people often opt for convenient food options, which aren't always the best fuel for competitive athletes. Taking an extra 10 minutes the night before can make a big difference in your eating choices and ultimately affect your athletic performance.
No one plans to fail in their eating endeavors, they fail to plan.
Competitive cheerleading is very demanding on an athletes body. Athletes will often have three hour workouts, several days a week, and without a healthy diet an athlete of this intensity will begin to break down physically. We will see them lose energy more quickly which leads to injuries. If you are serious about progressing good eating habits will make a difference.
Cheerleaders SHOULD eat healthy but shouldn't worry about being overly skinny. It's important to be at a healthy weight with muscle to support the skills you are attempting to do.
Here are some suggestions for healthy foods to eat before, during and after your cheer practices.
Before Practice:
- It's very important not to go into practice hungry.
- Eating carbohydrates like whole grain pastas and breads, raw veggies, and fruits are good choices, easily digested and keep the muscles energized.
- Dairy products can make you feel nauseated when working out hard so avoid those prior to your workout.
- Give yourself ample time between your meal and your workout.
- Sugary drinks such as sodas, coffee drinks and candy aren't a good idea and will give you instant energy but then you will find yourself go flat quickly.
- Definitely avoid heavy fried foods, anything extra greasy or overly cheesy should not be eaten.
- Water is a must before practice!
Before Practice Food Suggestions:
- Whole wheat bread or multi grain crackers with hummus
- Raw almonds or walnuts
- Light popcorn
- Small bowl of pre-cut fruit with granola
- Banana or apple with almond butter
- Small bowl of brown rice or black beans
During Practice:
- Bring a large insulated jug of water to practice and drink it before, during, and after practice you can avoid being dehydrated.
- Food really doesn't need to be eaten during one to three hour practices. If you're incredibly hungry snack on some raw walnuts, almonds, a protein bar or fruit but avoid candy, sugary sodas or heavy protein.
- If you have a longer practice drink a sports drink to replenish lost fluids.
After Practice:
- Continue to drink lots of water.
- This is the best time to combine some proteins with carbohydrates to feed your exhausted muscles.
- It's important to eat within two hours of your workout to keep your metabolism going fast and to avoid the break down of muscles.
- Whole grain carbs will replenish energy if you had an extra long practice.
- Fill up on veggies and fruits which are always a healthy choice!
After Practice Food Suggestions:
- Protein shakes made with fruit and almond milk.
- Salads with added protein, grilled chicken, turkey, or beans.
- Multi grain sandwich with peanut butter.
- A whole grain tortilla, black beans with salsa, avocado and brown rice.