Cheerlebrity Emily Bott: Tips & Tricks From A 10 Year Old Phenom!
Cheerlebrity Emily Bott: Tips & Tricks From A 10 Year Old Phenom!
After meeting Emily Bott, a 10 year old tumbling phenomenon from Long Island Cheer, you will be a firm believer that good things come in small packages. Emi

After meeting Emily Bott, a 10 year old tumbling phenomenon from Long Island Cheer, you will be a firm believer that good things come in small packages. Emily is somewhat shy but when it comes to talent she delivers BIG! Though she is known for her tumbling ability, her flying skills are admirable as well. She is very comfortable coed stunting and her flexibility is ‘point flyer’ worthy. She is an up and comer but Emily already has nearly 92k followers on Instagram. She joined us at Spirit Nationals, in New Jersey, recently, and the response she received from fellow cheerleaders was quite interesting. It’s like she’s a celebrity of sorts. Other young cheerleaders recognized her immediately and were eager to have their picture taken with her. Emily was always polite and agreeable. Her attitude and personality matched her abilities which was refreshing. We talked with her a bit and she performed some of her tumbling skills for us, which by the way, she busted out on her first try. Her only downfall is that sometimes she forgets to bring her cheer shoes…but who doesn’t love to tumble barefoot?
How long have you been cheering?
I’ve been cheering six years.
We heard that you’re a really good tumbler. Do you take additional private lessons?
I take private lessons sometimes and I have practice everyday. I practice a lot!
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What’s your favorite tumbling pass?
My favorite tumbling pass in my whip whip thru to double.
Have you ever experienced a mental block with your tumbling and how do you deal with it?
Yes! I have a lot. When I go thru a mental block I get spotted on my skills more and sometimes I try to trick myself. Like if I’m scared to do my whip double I’ll tell myself to do a whip back tuck and automatically I’ll end up doing a whip double.
Is there a coach that has really pushed you hard and pulls a the most out of you?
Yes, my coach Dre. He gets me to do new skills and spots me on things that I ask him to spot me on.
Round Off One and a Half Step out Round off Back Handspring Double Full:
*This skill could be watered down to round off 1/2 twist step out, round off back handspring full twist.
1) First make sure you have a good double full twist. Be sure that you master the skill, with a spot, before trying to perform it solo. It’s also a good idea to practice your skills on a tumble track.
2) Using a tight running approach, reach tight by your ears on your round off and make it powerful.
3) Set high, with your arms by your ears and your head in neutral for the full and a half and hold your twist tight. Make sure your body in tight and hollow during the twist.
4) Don’t step out early. Hold on and when you step out you actually want to step your first foot under you, almost behind you, so you don’t lose your momentum on the step out.
5) Keep your arms in tight during the twist and when you step out make sure your arms are up and ready for the upcoming round off.
6) Make the rest of the pass long and powerful.
7) A strong round off and a long back handspring make a big difference!
8) Be confident!!!
How long have you been cheering?
I’ve been cheering six years.
We heard that you’re a really good tumbler. Do you take additional private lessons?
I take private lessons sometimes and I have practice everyday. I practice a lot!
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What’s your favorite tumbling pass?
My favorite tumbling pass in my whip whip thru to double.
Have you ever experienced a mental block with your tumbling and how do you deal with it?
Yes! I have a lot. When I go thru a mental block I get spotted on my skills more and sometimes I try to trick myself. Like if I’m scared to do my whip double I’ll tell myself to do a whip back tuck and automatically I’ll end up doing a whip double.
Is there a coach that has really pushed you hard and pulls a the most out of you?
Yes, my coach Dre. He gets me to do new skills and spots me on things that I ask him to spot me on.
Tips and Tricks:
TRICK:Round Off One and a Half Step out Round off Back Handspring Double Full:
*This skill could be watered down to round off 1/2 twist step out, round off back handspring full twist.
1) First make sure you have a good double full twist. Be sure that you master the skill, with a spot, before trying to perform it solo. It’s also a good idea to practice your skills on a tumble track.
2) Using a tight running approach, reach tight by your ears on your round off and make it powerful.
3) Set high, with your arms by your ears and your head in neutral for the full and a half and hold your twist tight. Make sure your body in tight and hollow during the twist.
4) Don’t step out early. Hold on and when you step out you actually want to step your first foot under you, almost behind you, so you don’t lose your momentum on the step out.
5) Keep your arms in tight during the twist and when you step out make sure your arms are up and ready for the upcoming round off.
6) Make the rest of the pass long and powerful.
7) A strong round off and a long back handspring make a big difference!
8) Be confident!!!