Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders National ChampionshipsJan 25, 2016 by Vicki Dill
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Host Spirit Celebration Nationals
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Host Spirit Celebration Nationals
By Jennifer Uselton On January 30, Spirit Celebration will host the largest one day cheerleading competition in the DFW area. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

By Jennifer Uselton
On January 30, Spirit Celebration will host the largest one day cheerleading competition in the DFW area. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders National Championship has grown in size exponentially in the last few years. With over 300 teams registered for the DCC competition, the day will be packed with non stop excitement and thousands of all star, recreational and school competitive cheerleaders. AT&T Stadium, where the Dallas Cowboys Football team plays, will be packed with cheerleaders, vendors, and loud cheering, supportive parents.
[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/yQTBP-v70r/?taken-by=spiritcelebration" hide_caption="0"]
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders National Championship is the first “Nationals” event for Spirit Celebration and thousands of girls will put everything they have on the floor to try and win one of the gorgeous custom jackets that are awarded to winning teams. And, although the jackets are beautiful, there is something bigger and even more coveted than the jacket at stake. The teams will be competing for a bid to The ONE Cheer and Dance Finals. Teams will have the opportunity to attend the ONE Finals locations by earning a PAID bid or an at large bid by placing First, Second or Third at 178 bid events this season. Bid teams may choose to compete in any of the Finals locations with the winning teams from divisions in each Finals location receiving The ONE Rings and advancing to THE ONE Virtual Finals where a panel of the industries top judging professionals will crown...THE ONE in each division! Here’s how the bids work:
Sponsoring event producer provides full payment of competition fees.
1st Place – Gold Bid - (AKA Partial Paid)
Team receives $50 registration discount = $65 per athlete (Prep = $45 per athlete)
2nd Place – Silver Bid - (AKA Partial Paid)
Team receives $20 registration discount = $95 per athlete (Prep = $75 per athlete)
3rd Place – Bronze Bid - (AKA At Large)
Team pays full registration price = $115 per athlete (Prep = $95 per athlete)
According to www.theonefinals.com, there are 4 locations representing the Northeast, South, North and Southeast.
You can follow all of the excitement of over 300 teams live on FloCheer.com. We will stream The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders National Championship LIVE and we will cover all 3 competition floors on the field at AT&T Stadium! Don’t miss out on some of the most talented teams in the country as they compete for jackets and a bid to The ONE! This competition is one of the most exciting competitions in the country and you can only follow it here on FloCheer.com! We wish all of the teams the best of luck at the competition and can’t wait to see who wins the PAID bids to The ONE!
On January 30, Spirit Celebration will host the largest one day cheerleading competition in the DFW area. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders National Championship has grown in size exponentially in the last few years. With over 300 teams registered for the DCC competition, the day will be packed with non stop excitement and thousands of all star, recreational and school competitive cheerleaders. AT&T Stadium, where the Dallas Cowboys Football team plays, will be packed with cheerleaders, vendors, and loud cheering, supportive parents.
[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/yQTBP-v70r/?taken-by=spiritcelebration" hide_caption="0"]
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders National Championship is the first “Nationals” event for Spirit Celebration and thousands of girls will put everything they have on the floor to try and win one of the gorgeous custom jackets that are awarded to winning teams. And, although the jackets are beautiful, there is something bigger and even more coveted than the jacket at stake. The teams will be competing for a bid to The ONE Cheer and Dance Finals. Teams will have the opportunity to attend the ONE Finals locations by earning a PAID bid or an at large bid by placing First, Second or Third at 178 bid events this season. Bid teams may choose to compete in any of the Finals locations with the winning teams from divisions in each Finals location receiving The ONE Rings and advancing to THE ONE Virtual Finals where a panel of the industries top judging professionals will crown...THE ONE in each division! Here’s how the bids work:
Sponsoring event producer provides full payment of competition fees.
1st Place – Gold Bid - (AKA Partial Paid)
Team receives $50 registration discount = $65 per athlete (Prep = $45 per athlete)
2nd Place – Silver Bid - (AKA Partial Paid)
Team receives $20 registration discount = $95 per athlete (Prep = $75 per athlete)
3rd Place – Bronze Bid - (AKA At Large)
Team pays full registration price = $115 per athlete (Prep = $95 per athlete)
According to www.theonefinals.com, there are 4 locations representing the Northeast, South, North and Southeast.
- Chicago is the location for THE ONE Cheer and Dance North Finals on April 9-10, 2016. From the towering skyscrapers that make up the city, Chicago’s excitement is the perfect location and venue to move one step closer to being THE ONE!
- Next up and NEW for 2016 would be The ONE Finals Poconos on April 16-17, 2016! The Kalahari Resort, Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania is the perfect location to offer a fun, exciting, amazing venue, with hotel, entertainment, and dining options all under one roof! It’s sure to be an exciting location to be a part of The ONE Cheer and Dance Northeast Finals to move one step closer to being THE ONE!
- Another amazing location to include the entire family is The ONE new location for 2016, Orlando, Florida. Join teams in Orlando April 29-30, 2016 and be a part of THE ONE Cheer and Dance Southeast Finals at the Orange County Convention Center! Enjoy the excitement of the Florida Theme Parks & attractions!
- Finishing up the ONE Finals tour is our anchor event in New Orleans, The ONE Cheer and Dance South Finals, on April 30- May 1, 2016. An amazing location so invigorating, it’ll rouse your spirit. This location is an awesome venue in an amazing city to win your division and move one step closer to being THE ONE!
You can follow all of the excitement of over 300 teams live on FloCheer.com. We will stream The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders National Championship LIVE and we will cover all 3 competition floors on the field at AT&T Stadium! Don’t miss out on some of the most talented teams in the country as they compete for jackets and a bid to The ONE! This competition is one of the most exciting competitions in the country and you can only follow it here on FloCheer.com! We wish all of the teams the best of luck at the competition and can’t wait to see who wins the PAID bids to The ONE!