10 Practice Habits of Successful Cheerleaders

10 Practice Habits of Successful Cheerleaders

At cheerleading tryouts, you probably didn't realize you were actually signing up for Life Lessons 101. These are 10 practice habits that are a sure sign of a successful cheerleaders.

Sep 2, 2016 by Vicki Dill
10 Practice Habits of Successful Cheerleaders
When you tried out for cheerleading, you probably didn't realize you were actually signing up for Life Lessons 101. The way you interact with your team and coaches is similar to how you should behave at a job among co-workers and a boss. Great practice habits developed early can turn into great work habits for the future.

Here are the 10 best practice habits:

1. Be on time

Nothing is more annoying than waiting on late teammates or having to stay late after practice because of others.

2. Be open-minded about critics

It's important to understand that the coaches are there to help you. If a coach is giving you pointers, it's because they care and they believe in you.

3. Wear the appropriate attire

Your hair needs to be up, you need to wear the correct shoes, and your jewelry should be off. Hair can get in the way if it isn't pulled back, wearing the wrong shoes can make it difficult to stunt, and wearing jewelry is dangerous. Follow the dress code--it's for your safety and others'.

4. Know your schedule

Have a calendar and prepare for potential conflicts. Everyone is busy--you are not the exception.

5. Nourish your body with healthy food, proper hydration and sufficient sleep

If you put bad gas into your car, it stops running properly. The same thing happens with your body if you don't take care of it. Nutrition matters, and you'll see results if big changes are made.

6. Avoid gossip

Nothing divides a team more than senseless gossip. Gossip shouldn't happen at all, whether it's at practice, on social media or outside the gym. If you have a problem with someone, don't talk to everyone else about it. Set up a private time with the specific person and have a mature conversation to work out the conflict. Direct conversation can help avoid miscommunication.

7. Leave your troubles at home while you're at practice

Do your best to be in the moment and focused while working out with your team. If you're having a bad day, try to talk it out before practice with a trusted friend so practice can be productive.

8. Be adaptable

Be willing to take on any role the coach asks of you, whether it's flying, basing or back-spotting. You never know what new skill you might learn with an open mind.

9. Learn to work well with others

If you can learn to work well with all types of people, life will be smooth sailing for you. This is a skill that will serve you in every situation you encounter.

10. It's all about attitude

Thinking positively goes a long way. Sometimes, it's easy to give up when something doesn't work immediately. But learning new skills takes time, and you have to remember that when you're training. If you start practice with an "I can't" attitude, you've already set yourself up for failure. Ditch the bad vibes and start visualizing success before you start your warm-up.

Watch the US Coed National Team claim its gold medal at the 2017 ICU World Cheerleading Championship!