Cheer Extreme's Brilliant Holiday Traditions!
Cheer Extreme's Brilliant Holiday Traditions!
Cheer Extreme coaches bring in extra cheer with these brilliant traditions!

The holidays may be over, but it's never to early to start planning for next year. The sale racks are full of Christmas sweaters, and the cheerful decor is now half price. So grab a pen and make a shopping list, you'll love what Cheer Extreme did to bring some extra cheer to their athletes and gym!
In early December, we ran into their coaches at the WSF Championship in Louisville, Kentucky, as they were heading to the practice room, and they weren't in their traditional team colors. Instead, they had replaced their team spirit with an extra dose of holiday cheer! The coaches have a tradition of wearing holiday sweaters at one of the December competitions every year. Their athletes love the extra punch of fun, and the coaches enjoy bringing their "extreme spirit" to lighten the competition mood.
Back at the gym, Cheer Extreme also keeps the holiday season fun by creating a large paper Christmas tree made with paper rings. The athletes play a game to see which team can hit a perfect routine more consistently. Each team has one paper chain leading to the top of the tree, and every time a team hits full out, they can remove two rings from its chain. If a team makes one mistake, it can remove one ring. The first team to remove its entire paper chain WINS!
We love Cheer Extreme's holiday traditions and spirit! Does your team have a brilliant way to bring extra cheer and spirit into the gym or to competitions? If so, share below!
In early December, we ran into their coaches at the WSF Championship in Louisville, Kentucky, as they were heading to the practice room, and they weren't in their traditional team colors. Instead, they had replaced their team spirit with an extra dose of holiday cheer! The coaches have a tradition of wearing holiday sweaters at one of the December competitions every year. Their athletes love the extra punch of fun, and the coaches enjoy bringing their "extreme spirit" to lighten the competition mood.
Back at the gym, Cheer Extreme also keeps the holiday season fun by creating a large paper Christmas tree made with paper rings. The athletes play a game to see which team can hit a perfect routine more consistently. Each team has one paper chain leading to the top of the tree, and every time a team hits full out, they can remove two rings from its chain. If a team makes one mistake, it can remove one ring. The first team to remove its entire paper chain WINS!
We love Cheer Extreme's holiday traditions and spirit! Does your team have a brilliant way to bring extra cheer and spirit into the gym or to competitions? If so, share below!