The Man, The Myth: Ole Miss' Brandon Casey
The Man, The Myth: Ole Miss' Brandon Casey
Meet University of Mississippi cheerleader Brandon Casey, a rising star in the cheer world looking to take his team to the top.

The University of Mississippi's Brandon Casey is a rising star in the cheerleading world and is looking to take his team to the top. It's truly amazing that Casey just started cheerleading a few years ago and is already medaling at UCA College Cheerleading Nationals. We asked him where he's been, what he's been up to, and where he's headed.
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Well, I would have to say competing at UCA College Nationals. The month and a half of two-a-days with your best and closest friends are memories I'll never forget.
My all-time favorite stunt is the front handspring to reverse hand in hand, reverse pop-through. It was the second skill in my partner stunt routine, and I'm proud to say I was the first ever to compete it at UCA partner stunt.
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Photo By: Jordan Jackson
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Well, first I want to keep climbing the rankings at UCA Nationals with my team. I know our coach Trey Griffith was reading over the score sheets from our routine and looking to see where we can improve. I also want to crack the top five in the partner stunt competition. I received eighth and seventh the past two years, and I'd really like to be in the top five. In the future, I think I would really enjoy coaching a college cheerleading team.
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Get to​ know the man, the myth, the legend: Brandon Casey!
Where are you from?
Hernando, Mississippi.What are you going to school for?
Exercise science major.[instagram url="" hide_caption="0"]
How did you get started in cheerleading?
I played baseball and basketball in high school, and I didn't get started into cheerleading until my sophomore year in college. One of my friends who cheered before told me I should try it out. So I went to an Ole Miss cheer clinic, and it has been a passion of mine ever since.[instagram url="" hide_caption="0"]
Where have you cheered in the past?
I cheered at Northwest Community College in Senatobia, (Mississippi), for one year. They give full scholarships for cheerleaders, so it was a great place to start my cheerleading career.[instagram url="" hide_caption="0"]
What's your favorite part of cheerleading?
Well, I would have to say competing at UCA College Nationals. The month and a half of two-a-days with your best and closest friends are memories I'll never forget.
Do you have a signature stunt?
My all-time favorite stunt is the front handspring to reverse hand in hand, reverse pop-through. It was the second skill in my partner stunt routine, and I'm proud to say I was the first ever to compete it at UCA partner stunt.You are big into fitness and lifting. Tell us about how you think that aids your performance with cheer?
It helps out a lot. Our trainer, Ben Flemings, puts me and all the guys on an intense workout program throughout the entire year of heavy lifting and high-intensity cardio. He's one of the best, and I know the workouts we've been through have helped me be able to throw our top girls in the crazy stunts and pyramids we do.[instagram url="" hide_caption="0"]
Congrats on placing third with Ole Miss! How does it feel to make program history?
Thank you! It's the greatest feeling ever. Since my first year on the team, we have been improving and pushing the envelope on what our program can do at Nationals. We have always wanted to crack the top three and to finally do that was an amazing feeling.
Photo By: Jordan Jackson
What do you think was the secret to your team's success this season?
Well, Ole Miss is known for the pyramids that we do. This year our pyramids were still crazy as ever, but our stunts put us up there with other teams. Our stunts this year were the most difficult that Ole Miss has ever put out on the mats.What is your biggest motivation?
My biggest motivation is to be the best that I can be and to keep pushing myself every day.[instagram url="" hide_caption="0"]
What are your future goals in the cheerleading world?
Well, first I want to keep climbing the rankings at UCA Nationals with my team. I know our coach Trey Griffith was reading over the score sheets from our routine and looking to see where we can improve. I also want to crack the top five in the partner stunt competition. I received eighth and seventh the past two years, and I'd really like to be in the top five. In the future, I think I would really enjoy coaching a college cheerleading team.[instagram url="" hide_caption="0"]