Must See Stunt Transitions To Lookout For At Worlds

Must See Stunt Transitions To Lookout For At Worlds

The top stunt transitions from NCA All-Star that you won't want to miss at the Cheerleading Worlds.

Mar 3, 2017 by Leanza Pieroni
Must See Stunt Transitions To Lookout For At Worlds
Routine Videos
Cheerleading is constantly evolving and to stand out form the masses and stay on top you have to get innovative with your choreography. A great way to make your routine unique from others in your division is to incorporate dynamic and visual transitions into your stunts and pyramids.

Here are a few of the most creative stunt transitions from NCA All-Star that you won't want to miss at The Cheerleading Worlds. 

MACS All-Star Cheer

Their elite sequence opens up with very unique transitions that made their routine memorable.

Tribe Cheer Tomahawks

Want to get from one side of the pyramid to another? Pick the quickest route and just walk over the top!

The California All-Stars Black Ops

The effortless transitions between body positions made their spinning elite stunt sequence the highlight of their routine.

Top Gun All Stars TGLC

We're not sure how their iconic scorpion pyramid was invented but we're in love!

Cheer Extreme Senior Elite

Watch how the middle three top girls jump over their stretch leg to come back to a load position after their tic-tocs.

Central Jersey All Stars Bombshells

CJA's backbend transition was a stand out element of their routine.

Cheer Central Suns Revolution

Revolutions transition into their invert elite stunt was dynamic, visual and functional.

Woodlands Elite Recon

Recon's jump rope transition in their elite was a crowd favorite at NCA All-Star.

Cheer Athletics Cheetahs

Visual stunt transitions can add flare to any stunt sequence. Check out the Cheetahs opening stunts!

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