What's Next For Megan Glisson?
What's Next For Megan Glisson?
Kentucky Wildcat Megan Glisson shares with us her plans for the future.
Is this goodbye?
Megan Glisson has had one exciting ride in her cheerleading career. With three national college titles and three world titles behind her, we can't wait to see what's in store for the former Kentucky Wildcat next. Find out below what Glisson had to say about her favorite cheer memories and her plans for the future.
Meet Megan!
FloCheer: How did you begin your cheerleading journey?
Megan: The gymnastics component attracted me to join. It wasn't long until I was hooked on the challenge of stunting and achieving more difficult skills. Competing was just a bonus when I started.
Megan's Cheer History
- Top Gun All Stars
- University of Kentucky
- U.S. National Coed Team
//www.instagram.com/p/BTb8nIdBvty/?taken-by=meganjewellglisson" Hide_caption="0"
What is your favorite memory while cheering for Top Gun?
My favorite memory with Top Gun was the 2010 routine. It was filled with new and creative things. There were little random tricks that the kids on the team made up just playing around that made the routine so much fun to watch. Every second on the floor was truly enjoyable. It was also my first year competing at worlds!
What is your favorite memory while cheering at the University of Kentucky?
My favorite memory in college was becoming best friends with all of my teammates!
//www.instagram.com/p/BS4Lk89hgcY/?taken-by=meganjewellglisson" Hide_caption="0"
What was something you learned from your USA experience?
Leadership doesn't have to come from one individual. It takes a whole team of great leaders to make greatness happen.
Who is your inspiration?
Victor Rosario. He is the owner of Top Gun All Stars and my coach for many years. I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for him.
What are your plans for the future?
I got my degree in kinesiology. After school, I'm taking time to travel around the world. Then, I want to get my master's in orthopedics and prosthetics.
Do you plan to do anything with cheerleading in the future?
I'd love to continue training and cheering with USA.
//www.instagram.com/p/BTkd_nTB1Ge/?taken-by=meganjewellglisson" Hide_caption="0"
What are you mostly going to miss about cheerleading?
I'm going to miss all of the great friendships I've made along the way. It's weird not being with them 24/7.
//www.instagram.com/p/BPc9FRMBys0/?taken-by=meganjewellglisson" Hide_caption="0"