Cast Your Vote For The Most Spirited Cheer Dads!
Cast Your Vote For The Most Spirited Cheer Dads!
Cast your vote for the most spirited cheer dads from CHEERSPORT!
We all need a little support sometimes, especially on competition day! But have no fear - cheer dads are here!
We love our cheer dads (and moms of course), and the votes have finally been tallied for the most spirited cheer dads at CHEERSPORT 2018..
The Island All Stars Cheer & Tumbling!
With only 20 votes separating first and second place, hundreds of votes flooded in showing love for these super supportive cheer dads.
1. The Island All Stars Cheer & Tumbling
2. United All Stars Malaya Pythons
3. Twist & Shout - The Shouters