Kennedy Thames Set To Make A Return In 2019
Kennedy Thames Set To Make A Return In 2019
Kennedy Thames may be taking time away from the mat to recover from surgery, but don't worry, she isn't going anywhere just yet.

Kennedy Thames may be taking time away from the mat to recover from surgery, but don't worry, she isn't going anywhere just yet.
Thames is a decorated elite athlete from Rockstar Cheer with both bronze and silver Worlds medals and is easily one of the most recognizable faces in all star cheerleading today.
Unfortunately, her journey to another Worlds medal came to a quick halt in July 2017.
After not thoroughly warming up and a hard landing on a tumbling pass, Thames completely tore her ACL, had a sprained MCL, and suffered three bone contusions.
With her senior year of school starting and competition season just around the corner, Thames decided to postpone her surgery until after The Cheerleading Worlds 2018 so she could take the mat one last time with Beatles.
In order to compete, Thames had to wear a knee brace and avoid any tumbling as to not make the injury any worse than it already was.
After taking home fifth place this year with Beatles at The Cheerleading Worlds, Thames decided it was time to take care of her body and have the surgery to repair her knee.
"It has definitely been harder than I was anticipating but overall, I am recovering well," explained Thames. "It wasn’t easy going from walking perfectly fine with a torn ACL, to having to use crutches in the matter of a couple of hours but I was off of them in no time and now can walk perfectly normal."
"It was hard to wrap my head around the fact that I can’t cheer at all for seven to nine months but I’ve come to the realization that this will all be worth it in the end."
Thames started physical therapy the day after her surgery and continues to go about three times a week with the hopes of returning to the mat as soon as possible.
Exactly when and where we will see Thames return is still up in the air.
“I don’t really know when I will be on the mat again,” she said. “I should get cleared around December or January which is in the middle of cheer season so when I’m on the mat again will depend on how my recovery goes and if there is a spot on a team.”
2018 was supposed to be Kennedy Thames last year on Beatles, but since the team’s move into the new Open Small Coed Division, she might have a chance to take the mat rocking the purple and orange again in the future. If Rockstar has an open spot on one of their teams by the time she finishes recovery, Thames is sure to be ready to fill in.
As for years to come, Thames hinted that you could possibly see her at a different gym.
Thames is known for serving sass in the air all while demonstrating her superior stunting abilities. Executing a flawless double up will be a breeze but gaining her tumbling back could cause some frustration.
“I think my biggest challenge will be getting back into tumbling," she said. "Mentally, it will be tough to want to double again because that’s how I was injured.”
Thames has done it all from competing on an elite Level 5 team to earning multiple medals at The Cheerleading Worlds. There's only one thing left on her cheerleading to-do list and you can guarantee she won't stop until she's accomplished it.
"I wouldn’t come back from ACL surgery and cheer if I wasn’t DYING for gold. It has always been a dream of mine and I’m not retiring without a ring."
*Please follow the advice of medical professionals. We do not recommend or endorse competing or practicing on an injury.