Kennedy Thames Returns To Rockstar Beatles
Kennedy Thames Returns To Rockstar Beatles
Kennedy Thames will be attending CHEERSPORT this weekend and competing with Beatles for the first time since Worlds 2018!
CHEERSPORT Nationals is already one of our favorite events of the year but the weekend just got better because the Rockstar queen herself, Kennedy Thames is making a surprise return!
Kennedy Thames is a decorated elite athlete from Rockstar Cheer with both bronze and silver Worlds medals and is easily one of the most recognizable faces in all star cheerleading today.
Thames last took the mat at The Cheerleading Worlds 2018 before hanging up her cheer shoes for a few months. Since we last saw her compete, she has been off the mat taking time to heal her body and having the surgery needed to repair her knee that she injured back in July of 2017.
Thames announced on her Instagram last night that she is not only returning to cheerleading but also returning to compete on her team, Rockstar Beatles!
“The past 8 months of recovery have been incredibly challenging physically and emotionally for me so being on Beatles now has made all of that worth it. I have worked so hard in the past month to get some of my tumbling back and I am so blessed and grateful for this opportunity to be a tumbler on Beatles for the rest of the season.” - Kennedy Thames
Thames has stayed undercover since her surgery working in silence to prepare for her big comeback.
And what could be a better comeback time than this weekend?
Thames will be attending CHEERSPORT Nationals in Atlanta, GA to compete with Beatles for the first time since Worlds 2018!
By the looks of Kennedy’s latest post, she will be back on the mat in full force.
“My doctors did put some restrictions on me at the beginning,” explained Thames. “The first couple of weeks that I was “cleared” I wasn’t fully cleared. My physical therapist didn’t want me to do any twisting until he felt that my landings on passes without twists were perfect. Once I started twisting my doctor’s kind of let me control what I do based on how I feel.”
“I am aware that I will have my bad days and my good days since my knee isn’t like it was before, but I am prepared for that. I know there will be times that I have to step back and not push myself as hard as I used to. Other than that, the only restrictions they put on me is wearing my brace while tumbling.”
The cheer world is buzzing with the good news of Thames return and we can't wait to cheer her on as she makes her return this weekend.
YOU can watch Thames and Rockstar Beatles compete LIVE at CHEERSPORT Nationals in the Open Small Coed Level 5 division using your FloCheer Login!
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Competition Schedule & Info: View Full Championship Coverage
Live Stream: Watch LIVE on Varsity TV (using your FloCheer login/password)
Location & Dates: Atlanta, GA, Feb. 22-24, 2019.