BIG NEWS: CA Charlotte Introduces 3 New Teams

BIG NEWS: CA Charlotte Introduces 3 New Teams

Cheer Athletics Charlotte is making big changes and adding new teams for the 2017-2018 season!

May 18, 2017 by Emily Schmidt
BIG NEWS: CA Charlotte Introduces 3 New Teams
Cheer Athletics Charlotte is coming back in the 2017-18 season looking ​BIGGER and â€‹BETTER than ever. After finishing the season with a Summit Championship, they knew that these athletes had what it takes to form a ​NEW Worlds team! Yes that's right… a new team will be joining the Royal Cats and King Cats at The Cheerleading Worlds in 2018! 

But they didn't stop there… there are a total of THREE new teams to introduce to The Clawstle. 

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Drum roll, please…

Team Division
Lady Legacy Senior Medium All Girl Level 5
PrincessCats Youth Level 3
TiaraCats Mini Level 1

"We are really excited about the growth of the program," Cheer Athletics Charlotte gym owner Brandon Arboghast told FloCheer.

As a coaching staff, we took a step back and picked these teams to be even stronger. We have higher expectations in the teams that we are building to ensure that we are successful on the floor.
In addition to adding teams, they'll be making a few division changes! The reigning Small Coed Jr. Restricted Level 5 NCA and Summit champions, Superior Cats are heading to the Large All Girl Jr. Restricted Level 5 division! But which team will represent the Coed division you ask? Make way for the Reign Cats in the Small Coed Restricted Level 5 division! 

Coach Michael Wright said that they can make these exciting division changes and additions because of the success they have had over the last year. We aren't psychics here at FloCheer, but something tells us that we may see those 2017 Summit champions claim a Worlds title if they keep up the work.